Thursday 17 July 2014

Lake Tonle Sap and the floating village

Lake Tonle Sap is an ecological hot spot that was designated as a UNESCO biosphere in 1997.  In the dry season it is 2,700 sq km in area and 1 m deep but 9m deep and 16,000 sq km in the wet season. The lake empties through the Tonle Sap River into the Mekong at Phnom Penh during the dry but the rise of the Mekong in the wet forces the water back upstream into the lake during the monsoon. There are many fishermen who live in stilted houses nearby or in floating villages on the lake.

Stilted village

Rain shower approaching

Main channel to the lake

The village shop comes to you!

Floating village

The storm arrives
Spotted a couple of overloaded vehicles on the way.

'Chinese' Buffalo and timber

Pottery stoves on a freight tuk tuk

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